1946 Memorial Field at King Ina created by voluntary contributions
1961 Memorial Field sold by SPC
1967 Seven acre ‘Somerton Playing Field’ at Gassons Lane gifted from Mitcham family
1972 Two new tennis courts created
1972 First Pavilion (Changing Rooms and Toilets) created
1979 Somerton Sports Club formed and takes on running of Field
1979 Bar/Sports Hall/Meeting Room extension opened
1979 Bowling Green started
1982 Original Car Park created
1983 Snooker Club sells Town Hall and builds new extension to Clubhouse
1984 New 10+5 year lease for £1 pa so Club can fund extension
1985 Ian Botham and Viv Richards open new Clubhouse lounge bar
1992 New 11 acre field gifted from the Mitcham family
1995 New field ready for use
1998 Addition of MUGA, Skate Park and Play area
1999 Skittle Alley extension to Clubhouse
2007 Running of Fields reclaimed by STC/Trust Management Committee
2015 Masterplan created by RGMC but not adopted by Trust. RGMC disbanded.
2017 RGMC created.
2019 Somerton Recreation Ground Trust (SRGT) was formed as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)